Upper Canard, Kings County, Nova Scotia


Sunday Services

Regular Sunday services take place Sunday mornings at 11am. During July and August we offer 7pm Vespers. We celebrate ​with fellowship following all services.

Sunday School

The Worship Committee guides a program for children including stories, games, crafts and includes a Children's Time in the Sunday service.


Fun Night - When we get together and share a meal and some entertainment, such as a movie, games, discussions.

Pot Lucks - The last Sunday of each month we have a pot Luck lunch following the Church service.

School Programs - We help with the Breakfast at the Glooscap Elementary School.

"Giving" Christmas Tree - Each week during Advent we decorate our tree with items for some Charity in the area.

Interchurch Council - We also participate in the Canning and Area Interchurch Council.

Community garden - areas available to be used by local groups including Kids Action Program. 

Food bank - we support Canning and area food bank with designated collection drives and continuous free will collection.

Camp sponsorships - support summer camp attendance for local youngsters.

offering plate
Information About
Giving And Tithing

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